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Getting back to our roots..

Here at Draoi (Pron: Dree, like tree with a D) we offer a variety of ancient and modern techniques in order to Restore ease by promoting balance. Balance is achieved through harmony with nature. As stewards of the Earth, we prosper as she prospers, her health is our health.

   At Draoi everything old is new again. We base our herbalism on Pharmacological principles and practice. Classic techniques informed by modern science, and peer review. We also offer a range of somatic and psychological therapeutic modalities which all have a basis in ancient traditions, and a foundation in modern clinical science. we strive to modernize those ancient techniques which have survived the trials of time, and the rigors of modern scrutiny. With a dash of old world mystique for good measure.

The truth against

the world.


 It cannot be denied that we have made tremendous leaps and bounds in terms of scientific research and development in the past 3 centuries. Nauturopathy and Allopathy share a common goal, health, and vary only in therapeutic applications, and mode of administration. Both have their high points, and both have their limits, the trick is in navigating the seas between them. That's where we come in to help. Bridging the gap between the old world and the new, let us help you find ease once again.

Schedule Your

Open to your

greatest potential.


You are your greatest asset, you are also your greatest obstacle. Come with us on a journey to reclaim your own autonomy. Come see the abundance the natural worl has to offer. The choice, as always, is yours and yours alone. Make the choice that is right for you. Choose health, choose freedom, choose Draoi.

Come heal

with us.


We are a traditional Druid order rooted in the classical Sean Nos, as well as the various revivals whic spanned the 18th to the 20th Centuries.

I Across the 'Celtic' Diaspora 3 traditional duties seem to be ascribed to Druids regardless of Clan, Folk, or Nation which appear to identify with this Priestly Caste. Those 3 positions are as Judges, as Physicians, and as Prophets.


As prophets they ran the spiritual care of the peopl. As judges they officiated between the tribes mediating their disputes. As Physicians they maintained the health of their Warrior brethren for whom each day is a battle, and Bran-Catha (Battle-Crow) takes no rest


Where low land is,

That's where water goes.

All medicine wants is pain to cure.

                            -Mevlana Rumi-


Heal thyself"


 Tri rathad unga fhein. Three roads, one destination. Body. Mind, Spirit, and the goal for each is health.

Wholeism just got universal. from the mystical to the mundane we've got you covered.


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I'm a Bard,

I do not vouchsafe my secrets to slaves. I am a guide, I am a Judge If you sow, you labour.


Taliesin y Merddyn

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Samantha Jones





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Samantha Jones

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Samantha Jones



Nature is the best Physician

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